Abstract: In this paper, in this Project We Proposed Securely encryption schemes have proven to offer a high level of security, but they require lengthy computations; more efficient and scalable security solutions are thus needed. Traditional distributed architectures uphold trust by enforcing security policies. However, in cloud deployment models, data and application control is delegated, hence traditional policy-based enforcement presents a number of challenges. Reliable enforcement is a critical aspect of cloud service dependability. A trusted third party within a cloud environment is often used together with cryptographic methods to ensure the integrity, authenticity, and confidentiality of both data and communication. Protecting a user’s account from misuse is an important part of the larger problem of controlling access to cloud-based resources (such as objects, memory, devices, and soft ware). Cryptographic authentication solutions can help facilitate secure resource utilization. Secure and privacy-preserving cloud computing presents technical, legal, and administrative challenges. Our focus here is on the technical issues. The main aspects of security, confidentiality, integrity, and availability must be addressed at the client side, the connection, and the server side. The major issue is that all three operate in and are part of shared environments; hence their security and privacy requirements must be combined. The importance of cloud security has been widely acknowledged, and several organizations, such as the Cloud Security Alliance have been looking at it from different perspectives. Cloud services have three basic models: software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS). Although these models have major differences, they share many security- and privacy-related issues.
Keywords: network of nodes, Data Sanitization, Denial of Service, software as a service, data computation, infrastructure as a service, Securely encryption, Software metrics, platform as a service.